

Olympic History 奥运历史

According to historical records,the Olympics Games began more than 2,700 years ago.These ancient Olympics games were held in Olym pia , Greece as early as 776 BC. 根据历史记载,最早的奥运会可以追溯到2700多年前。公元前776年,在希腊的奥林匹亚城举行了第一届古代奥运会。

It was during this period that the basis of the Olympic movement began to evolve into a philosophy of life.This philosophy included the qualities of body,will,and mind in a balanced whole. It can be summarized as noble competitio n ,friendship and peaceful cooperation.


The Olympic spirit was born out of this philosop- hy,placing noble competition , sport, peace , and education atthe core of Greek civilization. 奥运精神诞生于这一人生哲理,并将高尚竞争、体育、和平和教育融入希腊文明的核心。

In 1896 the first modern Olympic games were held in Athens and since that time the Olympic Games have bee hosted every 4 years by various host cities around the world.Each time the games are held, it is called an Olympiad. 1896年第一届现代奥运会在雅典举行。此后每四年在世界不同城市轮流举办。每次都这疲称为奥林匹克周期。            

The Olympics is an amateur competition,this means the winning competitors are not awardes money prizes but rather gold,silver and bronze medals to signify their place.


Competitors nowdays can expect to profit from corporate product endorsements as well as money incentives provided by their own national governments if they perform well at the Olympic movement.  当然,现在的运动员如果比赛中表现出色,他们可以通过做产品代言获得可观的收入,或者得到他们自己国家颁发的奖金。

In recent decades,games celebrating the Winter Olympics and paralympics have become major events associated with the Olympic movement.  


The most recent Summer Olympic games were held in Athens ,Greece in 2004.This was the celebration of the XXVIII Olympiad.This was the first return of the Olympic Games to Greece in 108 years.


China's first chance to host the Olympic Games will arrive in 2008 when Beijing will be the host city for the XXIX Olympiad. 2008年北京将举办第二十九届奥运会,这是中国第一次承办奥运盛会。

The IOC selecter Beijing over the other applicant host cities of Totonto,Paris,Istanbul and Osaka.It is a great honor to host the Summer Olympics,but also a great responsibility and a great challenage. 国际奥委会从北京、多伦多、巴黎、伊斯坦布尔和大板五个候选城市中选择了北京。能够承办夏季奥运会是极大的荣幸,也是巨大的挑战,因为责任重大。

The games will be attended by over 100 nations with over 10,000 athletes taking part in competitions assisted by over 60,000 volunteers and officials.Mananging all these people from different countries,cultures,and languages is a great task.


he Summer Olympic games is clearly the world's largest,most complex,and most watched international event.If history can guide us , its popularity is certain to grow even more in the future. 毫无疑问,夏季奥运会是世界上规模最大,项目最多,最爱关注的国际体育盛会。历史告诉我们,在未来的日子里奥运会一定会起来越受欢迎。


The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, an international Olympic event hosted by China, opened on February 4 and closed on February 20, 2022.


On September 17, 2021, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games issued the theme slogan - "towards the future together". On October 18, the flame of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was successfully lit in Greece.

2021年9月17日,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会发布主题口号——“一起向未来” 。10月18日,北京冬奥会火种在希腊成功点燃。

On October 20, the Beijing Winter Olympic flame arrived in Beijing. On November 15, the new MV of the theme slogan promotion song "together to the future" of 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games was officially launched on the whole platform.


On the evening of December 31, the Awarding Elements of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games were officially released.


The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games consists of 7 major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events.


The Winter Olympic Games are a major international sporting event that occurs once every four years. Unlike the Summer Olympics.(冬奥会是一项重要的国际体育赛事,每四年举办一次。)

the Winter Olympics feature sports practiced on snow and ice.(与夏季奥运会不同,冬季奥运会以冰雪运动为特色。)

China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment, The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfect example.(中国是可靠的合作伙伴,因为我们一直信守我们的承诺,2008年的北京奥运会就是一个很好的例子。)

一、速度滑冰(speed skating)

二、短跑道速度滑冰(short track speed skating)

三、高山滑雪(alpine skiing)

四、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)

五、越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)

六、北欧两项(nordic combined)

七、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)




十一、花样滑冰(figure skating


十三、冰球(ice hockey)


Beijing is now thefirst city to host both the summer and the winter Olympics.(北京成为了第一个主办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。)

The National Speed Skating Oval will host the speed skating competitions during the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. People would love to address it as "The Ice Ribbon", the shape of which resembles the skating trails of fast-speed skaters. (国家速滑馆是2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会期间速滑项目的比赛场地。因其建筑外形就像速滑运动员高速滑行时留下的轨迹,人们也称其为“冰丝带”。)

Wukesong gymnasium was designed and built for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It has an instantly recognisable exterior, which can be lit up in an array of different colours at night.(五棵松体育馆是为2008年北京奥运会设计和建造的,其建筑外观极易识别,夜间呈现不同色彩。)

The Chinese National Alpine Skiing Centre is situated in the Xiaohaituo Mountain Area in northwest Yanqing. The starting point of the skiing centre has a maximum steepness of 68 degrees—one of the steepest race tracks in the world.(国家高山滑雪中心位于延庆西北小海陀山区,其滑降赛道最大坡度达68度,是世界上最难最险的赛道之一。)

The facade of the national Indoor Stadium is decorated with 863 pieces of ice flower pattern embossed glass, so the National Indoor Stadium is nicknamed as Ice Castle.(国家体育馆的外面由863块冰花图案的压花玻璃装饰,因此国家体育馆被称为“冰堡”。)

The National Ski Jumping Center's S-type curve resembles the shape of a jade Ruyi?scepter, a traditional Chinese ceremonial object-earning it the nickname "Snow Ruyi".(国家跳台滑雪中心场馆 S型的曲线宛若中国传统吉祥饰物“如意”,因此又被称为“雪如意”。)